Gastone for Transfer & Delivery Gas

Since 2020, Gastone took the lead and has started the application of mobile CNG .

This concept is recently applied worldwide to supply gas for the remote areas and to accelerate supplying gas for the clients until the gas network contented to the client’s factories or commercial establishments as well as supplying tourist compounds that gas network not yet contented.  

Currently Gaston has a huge mobile CNG fleets to satisfy the clients with their needs of gas these fleets are fueled from CNG stations scattered among the Egyptian governorates and discharge this CNG in a receiving station consisted of a Pressure Station Unit (PRV).

It reduces the pressure form 220 bars the fueling pressure from the CNG refueling stations to 4 bars which is considered the inlet pressure to the client required network which is managed by Concession Company.

Gastone has a tentative plan to expand its CNG mobile activities to satisfy the tremendous incase for the gas needs for different varieties of applications.